
Recurring Cost of an eCommerce Website

We're following up our post about how much it cost for an eCommerce website, with the recurring cost of an eCommerce website to consider.

Recurring Cost of an eCommerce Website

While the preceding eCommerce website cost breakdown article we posted might assist you in estimating the initial cost of the initial build of an eCommerce website, you must also consider the ongoing costs of owning one.

1. The Name of Your Website

yearly cost: $0.95 – $12

To build a successful eCommerce website, you need a memorable domain name. Your company’s online home is its domain name. You can’t develop a website without it because it’s a component of your complete brand.

You could find a domain name for as cheap as $5 per year if you look hard enough. To preserve possession of a domain, you can normally acquire it for up to ten years at a time.

However, if you want a short URL that ends in “.com,” you may have to pay a little more, perhaps $15 per year.
Domains or URLs can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars in extremely uncommon circumstances. However, they usually sell for $0.95 to $12 per year.

It’s also crucial that your domain is set to renew automatically. Even if you’re using a credit card with an expiration date approaching, you’ll get an email notifying you that you need to re-up your purchase this way.

However, the mode of payment you select has no bearing on the price; it is only a matter of convenience.


2. Hosting of the Website

yearly cost: $70-10,000

You’ll need someone to host your domain now that you’ve obtained one.

A host allows you to construct your website on their servers.

WordPress, Squarespace, and Go Daddy, for example, sell domain names and hosting as a bundle. However, most businesses that sell both frequently use templated websites, which make your site look just like everyone else’s.

3. Interactive Multimedia

The price ranges between $250 and $10,000

Multimedia offers excellent features to make your website more visually appealing.

Flash, in the proper hands, may transform your website into its most important component.

Flash, on the other hand, has one disadvantage: search engines are unable to comprehend the code included within it. If you’re going to use Flash, make sure you use it selectively rather than across the entire site.

Video and other forms of multimedia are also beneficial to your website. To help your buyers understand what an item accomplishes, you can utilize multimedia to supplement product listings, images, and descriptions.

When you use video to market your website, you may also use YouTube and other social media sites. When it comes to attracting new leads, this type of attention-grabbing strategy is invaluable.

4. Maintaining an eCommerce Website

Yearly cost range from $15,000 to $30,000

Your website, like roads, requires regular maintenance to be in top shape.

E-commerce website maintenance entails resolving any faults that arise, adding new pieces to certain areas of your site, and keeping your site up and running in general.


Website maintenance may be more expensive than you want to spend, and you may not see the benefits right immediately, but it is crucial.
It’s vital to keep your website up to date.
It’s only a matter of time before your website starts to have problems if you don’t maintain it. This could be a checkout fault, a graphical error on your product images, or non-responsive pages.

Whatever happens, you’ll want to have someone on your side who can keep your site up and running day after day.
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11 Common Questions

Unfortunately, because every business is different, there is no way to estimate specific e-commerce website pricing. However, you’ll be able to identify a basic approximate range if you consider your organization, your goals, and what you want to accomplish.

Examine the items we described before once you’ve answered the following questions. Consider how each one can assist you in achieving your company’s goals.

Better better, calculate how much of each item your site will require as it grows.

Because your objective in eCommerce should be to expand above and beyond your competition, not just to succeed.

These are some of the most often asked questions by new eCommerce website owners.

There’s no need to panic if you don’t know the answers to these eCommerce website pricing issues right now; what matters is that you figure them out before you invest a lot of money on an eCommerce website.


Answering these questions might assist you in estimating the ongoing cost of your eCommerce website.

1. Do I require hosting tech support?

If this is the case, choose a host with a reasonable fee.

If not, free hosting solutions should be considered.

2. What is the best course of action for my content management system (CMS)?


Choose the greatest in the business if you require a lot of versatility and functionality.

If you just need to add a product once in a while, keep it simple.

3. Do I want to give my users a lot of control?

Choose maximal functionality and database integration if you want to give a lot of control over customizing.

Only save usernames and passwords if you want to grant little control.

4. Do I require a specific type of web design?

Choose a world-class design if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Choose something more economical if all you want to do is sell and compete.

5. Do I have a set number of product pages?

Prepare to purchase a large number of pages if you require a lot.

Downgrade if you just require a few.

6. What is the approximate number of text-only pages that I will require?

You’ll need a lot of text-only pages if you want to target a lot of different niches with your consumer base.

You don’t need a lot of text-only pages if you’re solely targeting your present customers.

7. How many text-only pages should I have?

Your pages should have thousands of words if you want them to rank well in search engines.

Your pages can be substantially shorter if you want the page to deliver information quickly.

8. What SEO services do I require?

You’ll need a lot of SEO help if you want to outperform your competitors.

Basic SEO may be sufficient if you only want to compete.

9. Is it truly necessary for me to have Flash?

Flash is required if you want your website to include interactive or distinctive aspects.

Use no Flash if you want Google and other search engines to be able to read your site completely.

10. Is database integration required for the site?

Database integration is required if you wish to save any information about your clients.

Unfortunately, you don’t have much choice here; your eCommerce site will require some kind of connectivity.

11. Is website upkeep truly necessary?

Website upkeep is vital if you want to keep making money and giving your consumers a good experience.

It’s essentially a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

In Closing

Request a quote for your unique eCommerce web design.

We have a full staff of expert web designers and developers at PushLeads that have created some of the most beautiful websites on the internet.

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