Sales Need To Rely on SEO More Than Ever; Here's Why

Sales Need To Rely on SEO More Than Ever; Here’s Why

A company website has become such an indispensable sales helper that sales networking is no longer as beneficial as it once was. Read More to see how SEO can help.

A company website has become such an indispensable sales helper that sales networking is no longer as beneficial as it once was.

Sales always have a say. Anything other than revenue growth is considered a failure. However, many firms have nearly met their demise because the sales environment has dramatically altered.

A Rolodex was once a salesperson’s most prized possession. It represented the relationships that were once nurtured through phone calls, visits, and other activities. Salespeople used to meet at conferences, happy hours, and golf outings with their biggest customers. Nowadays, Rolodexes have become CRM systems and the like. While they are still worthwhile, they are not as beneficial as they once were. A salesperson’s list of names is no longer valuable.


What Are The Changes?

When the COVID-19 virus hit, salespeople were forced to alter their behavior. They were no longer able to meet with clients in person. Working remotely no longer meant they had a secretary to hand them a message personally. They were no longer able to answer their phones. Despite this, people answered emails and voice messages rarely.

Sales networking is no longer as valuable as it once was because relationships have frequently come to a halt due to people being difficult to reach. It’s a game of tag until the person is reached or gives up.

Relationships have frequently come to a screeching halt as a result. Sales networking has lost much of its worth. Therefore, those salespeople who once relied on relationships, meetings, conferences, and phone calls suffer. Their voices are now grumbling, even though they still have a loud voice. Their income is taking a beating as a result of the dried-up lead sources.


Who Do We Blame?

  • Everyone in the company is affected if sales fail to meet their targets. Management demands an explanation from Sales, of course, because Marketing is to blame. On the other hand, management is responsible for not foreseeing this situation. Their job is to generate leads, after all.

The company should have invested more heavily in digital lead management to equip for the reduction in sales from their outside sales force. The salespeople should have had a survival plan to target new prospects. They should have taken their website to new heights rather than relying on something about to die. Salespeople rarely know how to spell ‘SEO’ or ‘PPC.’ Regarding their website, they typically have a ‘build it, and they will come’ expectation because the internet is free, right? Even though they have never written content before.

For a long time, an outside sales force was relied upon to boost sales. The sales processes were successful, so the “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” approach to marketing used to function. They didn’t realize. Therefore, surprise—your outside sales team is no longer effective.

  • Attendance at events is down by 75%, even though they might be attending conferences. Moreover, decision-makers are not present.
  • Someone may still be reaching out to their old connections. More than likely, those people have moved on to other jobs. Regardless, the connections do not respond to their messages.
  • Prospective clients don’t care about your past performance. Your previous firm may not even remember who you are.

The business is suffering because of it.

What Is The Solution?

How do you solve the issue of a drop in sales? There are many answers to this question. In SEO terms, the answer is “It depends.” Sometimes, you may need to generate leads for your sales team. This requires precision shooting, and you can choose from various options, depending on how much you’re willing to spend.

You can spend money on ads (PPC) to generate quick results. You can take the “flood the web with content” approach, whether or not you have influencers backing you up (it may not work, but you have to do something).

Instead of purchasing links, you could accept other sites’ content as sold by charlatan SEOs (which would be a big mistake). Alternatively, you may decide that your company’s survival depends on doing things correctly.

The Most Effective Salesperson Is The Most Valuable

The CPC bid strategy is the most straightforward. You bid on your ad and wait to see what Google will give you bac

Unfortunately, the world hasn’t recovered from the effects of the last few years. Remote work is not going away, and sales must adapt. Change is needed. Cheap solutions are going to be enough. In some industries, an outside salesperson is doomed if you can’t provide leads.

Having a unique website is the key to generating sales. Treat your site as if it were your company’s most important salesperson.

It’s a big mistake to think there isn’t any distinction between the most economical solution and the best one. If you want your website to emerge on page one of Google for a popular keyword, you must use the right bait and fish in suitable locations. Here’s my favorite analogy for generating leads: If you want to catch fish, you must use the correct bait. In other words, if you want to catch fish, you must use the correct bait and go to the correct location.

  • The perfect client is the right large fish—not always a whale.
  • Identify the problem and find a solution for the perfect fish trying to solve it.
  • Build the specified results for that perfect fish.
  • Where the best fish are located, put an offer in front of them.
  • Using a no-pressure, trusted expertise sales approach, convert the fish.

It sounds simple. However, achieving that goal is not always straightforward. You might require the help of an SEO consulting services company to disseminate your message far and wide.

Your website traffic is likely decreasing, resulting in dwindling leads, if your website traffic is dwindling. SEO is the best approach to address this issue.

Read Next: How Can The Latest Digital Marketing Trends Better Connect With Customers?

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